Why Phones Overheat in the Summer: Tips to Extend the Life of Your iPhone and Android

Geo Tech Hub

Smartphones, whether iPhone or Android, are designed to operate within a specific temperature range to function optimally. For instance, the iPhone is built to work between 0°C and 35°C and can be stored between -20°C and 45°C. Exceeding these temperature limits can damage the phone and shorten battery life. It's essential to avoid exposing your iPhone to dramatic changes in temperature or humidity. Although it's normal for iPhones to heat up during use or charging, consistent overheating can be problematic.

Android phones share a similar operating temperature range. If these optimal conditions are not maintained, you may notice your phone slowing down, experiencing errors, or apps crashing. This is a sign that the device is overheating, which also negatively impacts battery health.

Avoid Prolonged Use Outdoors

Using your phone's camera, video functions, or navigation outdoors for extended periods can contribute to overheating. The screen itself generates heat, adding to the issue. Here are some steps to prevent overheating:

Industry Insights

Collecting comprehensive industry data is challenging, but Asurion, an American phone insurance company managing about 700 smartphone repair stores, reported a nearly 15% increase in battery-related issues during last year's record-breaking summer heat, according to Bloomberg. As this summer is expected to be even hotter, here are some tips to keep your smartphone in optimal condition:

  1. Understand Heat Generation: Every use increases the phone's temperature as the processor consumes electrical energy and generates heat. Unlike computers, phones lack cooling fans and rely on passive cooling systems, which are less effective in hot environments.

  2. Avoid Black Screens: Black surfaces absorb more heat, much like wearing black clothing in the sun. Avoid leaving your phone in direct sunlight, especially when connected to a power source, such as in a car with Android Auto or Apple CarPlay.

  3. Managing Overheating:

    • Avoid rapid cooling, like placing the phone near a car's air conditioning vent.
    • Refrain from using wireless charging if your phone is already hot.
    • At home, charge your phone without its case and place it on a hard surface, not on soft furnishings like sheets, pillows, or blankets.
    • If the phone overheats, remove the case, restart it, or switch it to airplane mode, and close unused apps.
    • Keep apps and the operating system updated to minimize issues from software bugs.
  4. General Precautions:

    • Keep your phone out of direct sunlight, even inside a car.
    • Remove the case during prolonged use to improve heat dissipation.
    • Ensure the area around your charging phone is cool.

By following these tips, you can help extend the life of your smartphone and keep it functioning smoothly during the hot summer months.

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